
The prefered way to install taln2x is to use the package installer for Python (aka pip):

pip install taln2x


taln2x comes with a command-line interface inspired by the mkdocs static web site generator:


where ACTION is one of: new, build, clean, list.

Quick start#

First you need to create a new project by invoking:

taln2x new <my_project_name>

This will create a directory named <my_project_name>, which will contain the following example files:

 ├── background.png
 ├── by.eps
 ├── config.toml
 ├── event.yml
 ├── logo.png
 ├── main
 │   ├── articles.csv
 │   └── pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_11.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_16.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_1.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_21.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_26.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_31.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_36.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_41.pdf
 │       ├── MYCONF_46.pdf
 │       └── MYCONF_6.pdf
 ├── out
 ├── pre-proceedings-en.tex
 ├── pre-proceedings.tex
 └── single_paper.tex

Basically, the two main files are config.toml and event.yml.1 The former contains the project's configuration (that is, taln2x's options), and the latter the proceedings configuration (e.g. conference title, chairs, etc.).

Replace the default information in these files by yours. In particular make sure that every track mentioned in event.yml corresponds to a subdirectory containing both (at least) a file named articles.csv and a subdirectory named pdf2 (in the example files, there is a single track named main). This csv file (resp. pdf directory) contains the papers' metadata (resp. pdf). From these pieces of information, taln2x will compile a separate volume (i.e. book) for each track.

You can then run taln2x as follows:

taln2x build

This will compile (under out/) proceedings using options defined in config.toml. By default taln2x will compile full proceedings in pdf (this can be changed in config.toml).

To remove the compiled proceedings (i.e. remove out/'s content), you can invoke:

taln2x clean

The list option can be used to retrieve papers' identifiers within the HAL open archive (i.e. to check whether papers are already available on HAL):3

taln2x list

  1. Information about the other files created when generating a new project is given in the configuration section

  2. Please note that when using data exported from the sciencesconf conference management system, this is not needed since the track subdirectories will be created automatically from information contained in the zip archive generated by sciencesconf. 

  3. This command is useful for instance if you want to check for duplicates before uploading your proceedings to HAL, or else if you want to include these HAL identifiers in papers (e.g. in footers). 

Documentation built with MkDocs and Terminal for Mkdocs.