Compiling proceedings for upload to HAL#

HAL is an open archive which can be accessed through various interfaces, including two web interfaces (respectively and for manual deposits, and a SWORD API interface for programmatic deposits (all these interfaces require users to have a HAL account, which can be created for free at

Setting taln2x options to compile proceedings for HAL upload amounts to add the following to config.toml:

out_format   = "hal"            # Output format

Additional options can be defined:

x_onbehalf   = ""              # Declare deposit owners
stamp        = "TALN-RECITAL"  # Declare HAL collections
include_pdf  = true            # Include PDF in ingestion
guess        = false           # Let HAL guess affiliations
dry_run      = false           # Test option on HAL server
halid        = false           # Insert hal identifiers in 
                               # papers (see tex template)
update       = true            # Update existing references
national     = false           # Declare event to be national
no_meta      = false           # Do not update metadata

These are commented below.

Overview of the process#

Two types of deposits are available on HAL: bibliographical notices and documents (notices with pdf files). A major difference between these two types is that notices are available directly, while documents need to go through a manual validation from HAL's maintainers before being visible.

Depending on which type of deposit one wants taln2x to prepare, two scenarios can happen as described below.

Uploading notices#

When uploading notices, taln2x will compile an XML file per article (plus an XML file per volume) following HAL's XML schema. On top of these, taln2x will compile one bash script per article with the adequate API request's headers (see documentation).

For convenience, a wrapper bash script per volume is also created at the root of the output directory, by running this file, one automatically runs all papers' scripts.

Uploading documents#

When uploading documents, taln2x will add to the above mentioned XML files the PDF version of articles, both XML and PDF files will be gathered in a ZIP file, which will be uploaded to HAL, as described here or illustrated in this example.

Once the output files are compiled by taln2x, one can export two environment variables named LOGIN and PASSWORD containing HAL's credentials, and then eventually bash wrappers.

Log files will be created to store the pieces of information sent back by HAL API.

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